Licensing Requirements for Brokers in Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission (referred to as the Commission) established specific requirements to qualify for a Brokers license in Pennsylvania. Scott-White is here to ensure you meet those requirements.
In order to qualify for a broker license, you must be a licensed salesperson and work in real estate for 3 years.
All real estate broker candidate qualifications MUST be submitted to the State Real Estate Commission for review and approval prior to examination. Candidates must possess the required education and experience, prior to the examination, and be authorized by the Commission to take the examination. Contact the Commission office in Harrisburg to secure an application for “Brokers Examination Authorization” (Form SPOA 2103). Candidates should not make an examination reservation until this review process is completed. The determination of eligibility is a lengthy process and candidates should allow several weeks for its completion.
Licensing Requirements for
Real Estate Salesperson in Pennsylvania
The criteria outlined below must be met to qualify to take the broker examination. Candidates must:
- Be at least twenty-one (21) years old.
- Be at least a high school graduate or equivalent.
- Have at least three (3) years of experience as a licensed salesperson or at least 3 years of equivalent experience (Details of Broker Experience Requirements).
- Have completed 16 credits or 240 hours of real estate instruction within ten (10) years prior to successful completion of the licensing examination (Details of Broker Education Requirements).
SPOA 2103 can be submitted along with all required documents and a $40.00 qualification review fee, payable by check or money order to the “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania” and mail to:
Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission
P.O. Box 2649
Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649
If you are deemed eligible, the Commission will send you a Certification of Examination Eligibility Registration Form, including instructions for contacting PSI about scheduling/paying for the Broker Examination. The Commission will also fax a copy of this registration form to PSI at the same time it is sent to you. If you are not eligible, you will be so notified by the Commission.
Broker Education Requirements:
The education requirement for all applicants is 16 Credits or 240 hours of instruction (1 credit is equivalent to 15 hours). The Commission will apply the following standards in determining whether an applicant has met the requirements.
All education must be obtained at:
- An accredited college or university
- A Commission-approved Pennsylvania real estate school
- A real estate school, approved by the real estate licensing authority of the jurisdiction where the school is located
An applicant who has obtained a bachelor’s or master’s degree with a major in real estate or a Juris Doctor degree will be deemed to have met the requirements. All other applicants must obtain at least the necessary credits outlined by the Commission. For more information on credits and eligibility, please fill out the form on this page, and a member of our team will call you.
Broker Experience Requirements:
An applicant must document a MINIMUM of three (3) years of real estate experience, and must acquire 200 points in order to qualify for the real estate broker licensing examination. Points will be acquired based upon the following system:
Sale: 5 points
Exclusive Listing which Sold:5 points
Unsold Exclusive Listing: 1 point
Lease: 5 points
Sale: 5 points
Exclusive Listing which Sold: 5 points
Unsold Exclusive Listing: 1 point
Lease: 1 point
Property Management Assistance: For each month of full-time employment in property management assistance, an applicant will be granted six (6) points. A month of full-time employment is defined as a month in which the applicant devoted his/her full time to performing in this capacity and which the applicant did not perform or earn points for any other real estate activity.
An applicant who is not a licensed salesperson may be considered to have fulfilled the requirement if the applicant has three (3) years experience that is the equivalent to three (3) years experience as a licensed salesperson. This experience cannot be in activity that was performed in violation of the Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act or the Commission’s Rules and Regulations. Each applicant’s qualifications will be individually evaluated based upon his/her documented activities. Applicants who may qualify under this section may include, but not be limited to, attorneys, builder-developers, and government employees.
An applicant who offers experience as an attorney in fulfillment of the requirement should have experience beyond such typical real estate-related legal services as preparing deeds, contracts and leases; performing title searches; representing principals at settlement; and conducting settlements. Relevant experience would include, but not be limited to, counseling in real estate issues or areas where the advice is not primarily legal in scope; selling, purchasing or managing real estate, whether for personal use or not; and actively participating in negotiations – other than for legal issues – regarding the sale, purchase or sale of real estate.
An applicant who possesses a real estate broker’s license in another jurisdiction that has been active for at least three (3) full years prior to submission of a properly completed license application is deemed to have fulfilled this experience requirement provided he/she has submitted a notarized statement indicating the specific dates of active practice and a certification of licensure from the real estate licensing authority of that jurisdiction which indicates active licensure of at least three (3) full years.
For all additional information about eligibility and licensing, please complete this form and a member of our team will be in
contact shortly. We look forward to hearing from you!